
Friday, November 19, 2010


As most of you have read you know how much I like stack-n-whacks. Here is another one I can't resist. I'm hooked on Bargellos too. I have the books and a bunch of patterns but have the same problem as with everything else - not enough time. I can't believe this month is almost over - where did it go. Oh, I know - working my fingers raw trying to get that JoAnn quilt finished. I can say I'm a little over half way.


  1. They are just beautiful. As Anya would say that mine.

  2. What a gorgeous bargello. Your work is wonderful.

  3. Margaret, both quilts are just amazing but I will have to say the one on the bottom almost takes my breath away.

    Good luck on the Joann quilt, when did you say it was due?

  4. Dec 18 - don't think i'm going to make it. Plus I have 3 orders for quilts, 2 quillows and a bunch of alterations. Wish I had time to make the granddaughters a dress

  5. Wow, I am truely impressed. Those two quilts are fantastic.
