Anyway I found this over at Bayside Quilting and thought it looked interesting. Use the Behind the Seams Quilt Hanger to show off your quilts. Just measure, peel, and stick!!'
My sister is going to get on my case for putting this on here. As usual I found this while crusing around on the net. If anyone has used this let me know how it works - I might be able to use it at work.
It'll be interesting to hear if anybody has tried that method.
Did you order this? If you did, let us all know how it works.
You are right....I wwant it...
I order two...I have a quilt I want to hang over the stairs...and I think this will be perfect.
I was going to ask which sister but I think I might know.;)
Yep I knew which one. But I also want to hang a quilt so Let me know if it works. It looks like a good ideal
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