Remember the Sweet Gum
Remember the stump (Actually the stump was alot shorter - I just forgot to take a picture)
Now check out the yard. It won't be long before I have a nice carpet of grass (I'm hoping). I just about killed myself this past weekend trying to level this mess out. After we had the stump ground down my front yard looked like craters on the moon. I was able to get my brother to come over and help. Thank goodness for that or I would still be working on it. I'm getting way too old for that kinda work.
I was able to get a little sewing done and I now have 40 Dresden Plates ready to be put together. I'll just add it to my To-Do list. At least they are finished. I'm thinking about sending it to my daughter and get her to put them together. That would be a simple soultion.
Looks like you have your work cut out for you in your yard. What a major undertaking!
Your dresden plate blocks are beautiful!!
Oh that looks a lot better. What did you do with all of your flowers you had there. It looks like a new house to me.
What a difference it makes!!! That is a lot of manual labor!
I love the plates. They will be beautiful together.
O...what a HUGE yardwork project...I don't envy you. I hope it doesn't wear you out for quilty projects!
Great Dresden Plates...
Also, I really like President Monson's quote on your sidebar. =)
=) new follower =)
Hope it isnt to hot for the grass to come up. I sure like those dresden plate blocks.
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