Sunday, March 27, 2011


yesterday started off on a bad foot. I woke up before the alarm and when I went to turn it off I noticed it was set for the wrong time. I got so mad at my husband for changing the time, thinking that I was going to be late for work. Then the light bulb came on and I realized it was Saturday. That blew sleeping late.

I had decided I was going to spend the day working on my Hoffman quit when my daughter called and said my 4 year old grandson wanted to meet me for breakfast. How could I say no to that? So off to breakfast. Then as long as I was out I figured I would go to Wally world and pick up a few things.

So I finally was able to get to my sewing. The back pourch needs to be put back in order, the kitchen needs cleaning and the cloths need folding - but I worked on my quilt.

Then about 6 my grandson (the 4 year old) came in with these

What a way to end such a frustrating day. Then he wanted to spend the night and I upset him when I said no. I did get most of the sewing done. Now To finish it today


Vroomans' Quilts said...

Ah, the innocense of a child! There will be times for hugs and play and sleep overs. A dead line is a dead line and I wish you luck and success with the Hoffman quilt.

Barb said...

What sweet flowers.....

Needled Mom said...

Awww.....what would we do without families????

JJ said...

Your day sounds like mine. I had tons to do besides the sewing I needed to do but I went to Melanie's and did a little cleaning, played with the 4 and 2 year old and held the new baby. I didn't get home till about 6. Then I cooked, did my laundry but not much sewing got done.

Joanne Lendaro said...

Would have been worth it even if he had a fist full of weeds, but those flowers are pretty.